
Posts Tagged ‘everyday’

The Stupid Experiment

Kemarin sepulang dari kantor saya membeli sebuah tanaman (sejenis kaktus) yang saya ngga tau namanya.  Harganya murah cuma 10.000.  Sebenernya saya udah lama menginginkan memelihara anjing, loh kok ga nyambung?? mau melihara anjing kok yang dibeli tanaman? kaktus pula…

Jadi sebenernya gini, dulu saya bercita-cita, kalau sampai umur 30 th saya belum menikah, saya akan mengadopsi seorang anak.  Saya ingin mempunyai someone to call my own.  Seseorang yang dapat menjadi tujuan hidup saya, seseorang yang dapat saya rawat dan saya banjiri kasih sayang.  Nah, 2 tahun lagi kan umur saya udah mau 30 tuh, ceritanya saya mau latihan untuk menjadi orang tua, hitung hitung belajar tanggung jawab gitu….  jad sebelum saya mengadopsi anak, saya mau nyoba melihara anjing dulu deh.  I wanna see how it goes.  Kasarannya kalau anjing itu samapai terlantar dan merana, that’s it! forget the baby!  Tadinya saya berencana untuk melihara chi hua hua.  Kenapa chi hua hua? karena Paris Hilton jg melihara chi hua hua dan harganya mahal *sombong*.  Ngga ding… karena chi hua hua itu kan kecil jadi gampang dibawa kemana-mana.  Jadi saya ngga perlu ngerepotin orang rumah sewaktu saya pergi.  Buuuuuut, karena alasan ini itu (yang sifatnya lebih memungkiri niat :p) sampai detik ini pun si chi hua hua belum sampai di tangan.

Nah, kemarin waktu lagi belanja di Farmers Market, pas lagi milih-milih buah, saya ngeliat satu counter yang isinya pohon-pohon kaktus mungil.  Menarik.  Pikiran saya pun menerawang jauh….

“hhmm, kalo gue ngadopsi anjing kayanya udah telat sekarang, secara sebentar lagi gue juga mau nikah…. biaya adopsi anjing lumayan mahal juga ya? tu kaktus lucu juga… imut-imut gitu… ih murah loh cuman ceban, mesti disirem tiap hari ya biar idup… hmm, sama aja kali ye? tanaman kan juga mesti dirawat…..”

That’s where I come up with this stupid experiment, bahwa tanaman kan juga sama-sama mahluk hidup dan butuh kasih sayang.  Sama-sama butuh makan dan perawatan.  Tanamanpun kalau ngga dirawat juga bisa mati,  ergo memelihara tanaman juga sama dengan memelihara anjing dan merawat bayi *dasar bodoh*
Akhirnya, saya putuskan untuk merawat sebuah tanaman, instead of baby or dog.  I know… nyasarnya jauh banget tapi toh dengan merawat tanaman saya juga bisa belajar bertanggung jawab kan?

Ahh, sungguh eksperimen yang bodoh dan ngaco :p  Anyway, I named her Jenny de Milo, please meet her!


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Akhirnya… berhasil juga mindahin semua postingan blog lama dari Multiply ke Wp.  Ternyata agak repot juga, secara Wp ngga nyediain feature untuk mengimpor blog dr Multiply 😦 sebelumnya saya juga ngga berniat pindah, tadinya saya pingin menjadikan multiply sebagai sandaran terakhir blog saya tapi lama kelamaan tingkah laku multiply ini kok bikin jengah ya?
Dulu saya mutusin buat pindah dari blogger ke multiply *what am I thinking?* karena saya pikir multiply itu lebih user friendly dan feature-featurenya lebih menarik, dan pada waktu itu kan emang lagi booming-boomingnya multiply… emang waktu itu saya sempet merasakan beberapa kenikmatan di multiply, salah satunya kemudahan mendownload lagu antar sesama pemakai multiply, tapi ternyata sekarang feature itu sudah ditiadakan multiply, sebel ga sih *#%$%#* setelah banyak orang beramai2 pindah dari blogger ke multiply, setelah banyak orang akhirnya membuat akun di multiply, barulah mereka memutuskan untuk menghapus feature itu.  Dulu sebenernya saya malas buat pindah-pindah blog, pindah blog berarti saya juga harus memindahkan postingan yang lama, tapi oolala di multiply ternyata ada feature yang memudahkan orang untuk mengimpor blognya dari blogger, Livejournal, sampai TypePad. Dan sayapun tergoda… dan sayapun dengan bodohnya memindahkan blog saya.  
Hampir 1 tahun saya menempati tempat baru saya di multiply tapi oh tetapi… ternyata tuan rumahnya sangat-sangat tidak bersahabat dan menyusahkan saya sekali *grrr*.  Dimulai dari lambatnya akses multiply sampai theme yang sering bermasalah.  Terakhir saya merasa terganggu dengan cara multiply mengeksklusifkan dirinya dengan “memaksa” orang untuk log in ke multiply hanya untuk meninggalkan comment.  I mean c’mon… sumtimes people are just stopping by you know… masak iya mereka harus buat akun di multiply cuma biar bisa ninggalin komen siiiih? menurut saya itu berlebihan!  Tadinya saya udah mau menyerah aja alias berhenti ngeblog secara saya jg udah ngga terlalu fond of blogging anymore, buuuut temen saya ini berhasil meyakinkan saya lagi untuk kembali ngeblog pake Wp dan voila! akhirnya saya pindahan untuk yang ketiga kalinya. 
Pindahan kali ini ternyata ngga segampang pindahan saya yang pertama dan kedua dulu.  Ternyata oh ternyata tidak terjalin kerjasama yang baik antara multiply & wp, kita ngga bisa ngimpor dari multiply ke wp.  Huuuhhh dulu aja waktu pindahan gampang banget tinggal klik, klik, klik.  Setelah browsing-browsing dan tanya sana sini, akhirnya saya impor file RSS multiply saya ke Wp tapi secara saya juga gaptek dan buta sama hal-hal yang berbau magis seperti itu *hehehe* jadinya yaaaa gitu… gagal total, ga ada perubahan sama sekali.  Ngga ada satupun postingan saya yang berhasil terimpor.  Putus asa? ngga juga… :p saya terus nyoba pake menu WidGet di Wp dengan cara mengaktifkan menu RSS feed disana dan mencantumkan alamat RSS multiply saya dan……. tenyata….. tetap tidak berhasil 😦  saya memang berhasil memindahkan semua postingan lama saya dari Multiply ke Wp tapi postingan yang saya import ngga bisa masuk ke area content page saya, postingan itu malah muncul di side bar, jadinya panjaaang banget dan sungguh tidak enak dilihat mata yang memandang.
Akhirnya setelah mikir cukup lama, saya pakai cara bodoh aja deh :p saya impor aja isi blog saya dulu yg dari Blogger ke Wp dan sisa postingan saya yang di multiply saya import manual aja, untung ngga banyak 🙂 pheew.  Jadi inilah dia blog saya yang baru, semoga Wp bisa menjadi bloghost saya yang baik 🙂 Duuuuh… ngga lagi-lagi deh pindah-pindah blog apalagi balik ke multiply lagi. NO WAY JOSE!

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She Used to be Well

I’ve been annoyed lately by a former good friend of mine. Yes, I called her a former good friend. Back in my college years, we used to be a good friend (just good not best). She was a OK girl and everything went out like a normal friendship. Gossiping, sharing stories, and hanging out together. In the last days of our college years, in times when we had our final exams, out of nowhere suddenly she called me and said:

“I don’t like your behavior; I think it’s very disturbing. I think your behavior is too much”.

I was like: “O.K…. is there something wrong with you? Why all of sudden you said such things like that? Are you OK?”

“No, as your friend I just want to you to know that you’re too much”.

#%*&^*(#@!#* so that phone call ended with me snapping at her, telling her that she was out of her mind and should take a look her self in the mirror before she said things that hurt someone.

After that strange phone call, she became weirder everyday. Slowly but sure I started to keep my distance from her. Because she was no longer a friend I used to know. She often said weird and “unhealthy” things. I think she has lost her mind. I try to speak to her several times before we finally on our own and graduated from college but every time I did that she just getting more and more annoying.

Years has passed since our graduation day, all of sudden out of nowhere she called me and said:

“I’m sorry for the things I said in the phone call years back, I just want you to change, as a friend I’m very concern about you.”

WHAT??? My God, years has passed we’ve graduated and leave the college for good now she called me just to bring that old topic up?!?!? WTF. I said I have forgotten about that and don’t want to talk about it anymore. But she keeps insisting to talk about it. OK, whatever. So in the name of courtesy I ended that phone call with the I-got-something-to-do excuse.

Since that day she often calls and SMS me saying things that seems a little not fit with my healthy sense. I think she’s unwell. Onetime after she did several calls and SMS forcing to match make me with her friend, in her last call I snapped and went angry with her. I told her:

“I’m not interested, Stop asking me! I don’t want one of your friends! Look, are you OK? Is there anything bothering you? You sound like you’re sick, what the hell’s wrong with you?”

and to my surprise she snapped me back telling me that I’m so mean telling her all that and she just hung up the phone. I don’t know what else to do, I try to be gentle but she still annoyed me by her calls and SMS, I try the harsh way but she told me that I’m mean yet the calls and SMS is still coming… aarrrgggghhhh!

These are some of her SMS that I still can remember:

I lose my job again

Is there any vacancy in your company?

I got my third warning, I’m about to fire. Is there any vacancy in your place?

Is your brother available? Can you match make me with one of them?

Let’s hang out together again

Can I live in your house?

Call up our old friends and make a reunion

Could you just call them up? Do I have to do it all myself? You are no use!

I Wanna go to your house tomorrow by bike

Can I hang out in your place tomorrow?

Why you don’t seem want me to go to your place?

I’m sorry for my mistakes

If anything happen we still be friends right?


It’s ok to have another point of you from the usual right?

Hi how are you? What are you doing? (2 a.m. in the morning – what do you think I’m doing?)

Do you know how to gain more height and loose weight?

Do you think I can still be a runaway model?

Not too mention her countless phone calls and missed calls.  Some of the phone calls and SMS are around 2 a.m. in the morning (can you believe that?).  All of her phone calls were just about the unnecessary things like:

“I’m sorry if I ever made a mistake”

“Are you OK?

“Sort of. Got to go”

I’ve lost way to deal with her calls and SMS. I just wish that she’s OK and get the help she needed. She sounds sick, and guess what? I’ve found out from college friends that some of them are actually experience the same things like I did. One of my friends whose father works in a recording company, received phone calls from her.  She forced my friend to ask her father to get her into recording, OH MY….

I really hope you’re OK my friend, I don’t know what had happen with you but you used to be a fun person and a good friend. Get well soon!

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What If I Smoke?

One evening in Dunkin Donuts, as we seated enjoying our Bavarian cream and chocolate donuts, we have a brief conversation as I inhaled my cigarette.

You: What if I smoke too, like you do.

Me: No, don’t. What for? It’s not good for your health.

You: So, why you keep smoking?

Me: I don’t know. I guess I like the taste.

You: But you know smoking is bad for you.

Me: I know. That’s why I don’t want you to smoke.

You: I don’t get it. If it’s not good for me then it’s not good for you also, right?

What’s the difference?

Me: I know. I just don’t want you to smoke. Enough only me. I’ll quit too you know. I won’t buy that pack anymore.

You: That’s what you use to say yesterday….

Me: This is my last pack, I don’t promise but at least I try. Hehehe….

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On the night of Dec 27, I had the weirdest dream of all the weird dreams I use to have. I dreamed I was in love with a pocong (Indonesian ghost). The ghost can turned himself into a human. In my dream, I felt like I was so deeply in love. The ghost tried to save me from the other ghosts that dislike human. The other ghosts was all scary and have unpleasant look. They surrounded me and try to attack me. The kind ghost that I was fell in love with, saved me and escaped me from the bad ghosts. When he struggled to save me from the bad ghosts, he turned like the other; a ghost. Funny, how his face seem so blurry to me not like the other ghosts that look so scary. I feel so save and comfort even when he turned into ghost.

Remember I told you about a man that often appears in my dream? I used to call him UFO (Unidentified Familiar Object). I seem to know and feel familiar with that UFO, but I don’t know how to describe him, I don’t know how to remember him, I just know how he feels like, I just know his presence. In my dreams, I always find myself in love with this UFO and we ended up hugging each other. When I hugged the UFO, I felt so warm and comfort…. and thousand other feelings that I can’t describe. That’s what happened with my weirdest dream. That’s how I fell in love with the ghost. I fell in love because I feel the UFO presence.

Funnily when he turned into a ghost I still can feel the UFO presence. I felt like I was in love with the UFO in the form of a ghost. When he turned into a man I still can’t remember his face…. I thought I saw his face clearly and knew him so well… and that his face was so familiar to me but when I woke up, I can’t remember it. One thing I know is, when I hugged him, it felt the same like when I hugged the UFO. Weird…

At the end of my dream, I hugged him and asked him to take me away to his world, he was filled with doubt at first but I was so sure…. So he brought me to his world. To my surprise his world was not much different from our world…. I thought I would see firey hell with woe, painful screaming, and crying, but I didn’t find it there. His world was just the same like mine.

All of sudden I was in his kitchen and I saw my self in his arms, he held me so tender. He try to warm me, I can see it all. I was standing there. He was holding me in his arms in front of a box-like refrigerator filled with ice cube. When I was standing there I can feel the cold but when I saw my self in his arms I can see that the other me was warm in his arms. I felt the other me was so tiny and helpless, I can see that she was just an innocent baby. The other me was a baby.

For so long, I was just standing cold there, watching the UFO holding the other me. I feel cold and insecure myself but I can feel the baby was save and warm….. then my little niece woke me up, I woke with a sore pain all over my body that morning. What a dream….

“Do you ever know how scary a pocong is? It gives me the creep, spooky.”

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Guiseppe Verdi

My brother called me yesterday when I was drowning on desk; He asked me to accompany him to watch an orchestra. I was like ” hell yes, I’d love to!!!”. His boss got a spare ticket for the concert and didn’t know who to give and ring a ding! my sweet brother remember one of his lovely sister who is crazy about music 🙂

The concert was Giuseppe Verdi’s Requiem by Nusantara Symphony Orchestra in Balai Sarbini. The concert was supposed to be held at 19:00 sharp but it was held back until 19:30. Conducted by Hikotaro Yazaki, the concert was so amazing and great.  It presented soloist from Italy. Paola Romano (Soprano) and Angela Cinalli (Mezzo Soprano). The Tenor and bass are from Indonesia. Ndaru Darsono and Harland Hutabarat. I haven’t heard about their names before but hell their voice is enough to tell, they sang like heaven. And the choir is from Petra University and Cordana choir.

Though it slipped 30 minutes away from the schedule, I was not upset because it was worth waiting. It was tremendous. My heart was pumping hard with the rhythm and the beat made me feel like floating. Frankly, I’m not a classic freak, I’m just a music lover but no need to become a classic freak to enjoy that concert because it was just simply beautiful and enchanted.  Splendid.

Too bad some audiences entered the hall late and we were a little destructed by their coming and I think the soloist feel the same like we did. Because I can see from Paola’s face that she felt so upset and destructed.

The concert ended at 21:00.  Hour and a half seemed too short. I want more. Anchor! Big applause for the great show. After the last song ended there were still some audiences who entered the hall late, can you believe that? What were they thinking? What would they watch? The big aplause? Or standing ovation? Hahaha so typical of Indonesians! *sigh*

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Lately I’ve been dreaming about someone (you may not believe this, but its true) well, actually not lately but it’s been going for almost a year… I keep dreaming about this guy over and over again… I don’t know who he is but he often appears in my dreams, there he became someone that I seem to know forever… he always be the good guy… rolling as my husband, my boyfriend, my brother, my siblings, or rolling only as a supernumerary, or even just passing in my dreams….

It is too weird….but in my dreams he always be someone that knows me very well… it seems that I have met him some place but I don’t know where and when…. his face seems so familiar and nice to me…. it’s like a de javu but the funny thing is I never able to remember his face after I wake up, no matter how hard I try to remember him, even just to imagine or to create a figure that looks and feels alike him, I can’t seem to do it, I don’t know why, I call it a familiar blur vision about some one I know so well.

The last one I dreamed; I remember; I was having a trouble (I can’t remember what it was) and I was forced and chased by some people and I came to run for him and last thing I remember, he was hugging me so tight surrounded by the crowd (we was in some kind of traditional market, can’t remember it well). And all I can remember and remark in my mind is how I feel safe and warm 🙂 It feels good to be hugged like that… I remember, when I was a kid my mom used to cover my small head with her loose t-shirt and hugged me and hummed a gospel song for me, it felt so…. *indescribable* like when u think the time is stop but it actually not…) And that’s how I feel.

Weird, huh? But maybe if God’s willing, I would like to meet him in real life, and if God eventually met me with him, I would really know when he hugged me and if I feel the same like I feel in my dreams, maybe I’ll tell him, “I think, you’re the one I’ve been dreaming of”

There are also several repeated weird dreams that I often dreamed, and these are the list:
1. I was carrying a baby and the baby was fell off from my arms
2. I was dreaming I was marrying to someone I could never remember his face (the same person with the one I’ve been dreaming – people say I will die but still alive till then)
3. I was swarmed over by worms, caterpillars, centipedes, and similar creatures like it (creatures I hate most in this life).

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Nyetir Mobil

Pagi ini saya bangun agak siang… saya sengaja memang bangun agak siang, karena pagi ini saya diantar sama si emas ke kantor…. wahhh senenng sekali rasanya kalo bisa bangun lebih siang seperti ini… ga perlu nunggu bis, ngga perlu dempet2an sama orang asing di bis…. yang saya lakukan hanya duduk diam, mendengarkan radio sepanjang perjalanan, enak kan?

Kalau sedang dalam keadaan seperti itu, tekad untuk bisa nyetir muncul lagi… kan enak kalau bisa bawa mobil sendiri ke kantor… ngga perlu nunggu bis lagi…. Ya, saya harus bisa!!! Tapi terus saya teringat akan pengalaman saya belajar nyetir mobil beberapa bulan yang lalu….


Pak guru: ya… belok kiri… kasih sen kiri…. kasih sen, kasih sen….
Saya: (melakukan instruksi dengan benar)
Pak guru: kasih sen kiri…. KASIH SEN KIRI!!!
Saya: ini juga udah dikasih pak!!!
Saya: ohhh….


Pak guru: …kurangin gasnya…. injek kopling….
Pak guru: itu gas yang kamu injek….
Saya: ohh…
Pak guru: pindah gigi 3…
Pak guru: hehhh… itu gigi 5….
Saya: ohh…
Pak guru: lampu kuning siap2…. tarik rem tangan…
Saya: kok, keras amat pencetannya pak…
Pak guru: cepet! orang2 udah pada nglaksonin tuh…
Saya: Haaa, saya ga kuat bapak aja yg narik!!!
Pak guru: Arrrggghhh!!!


Saya: Bapak jangan pegangin setirnya terus… saya udah bisa kok nyetir sendiri…
Pak guru: yg bener?
Saya: (dengan pandangan meyakinkan) iya bener…
Pak guru: ok
Saya: (dengan sungguh2 memperhatikan ke arah depan…)
Pak guru: kamu ngeliatin apa???
Saya: ya, ngeliatin mobilnya pak… ntar nabrak…
Pak guru: ngapain kamu ngeliatin moncong mobilnya…. LIATIN JALANANNYA!!! Mau nabrak kamu???
Saya: (sekali lagi) ohhh….


Kalau sudah begitu, mungkin lebih baik saya naik bis saja, setidak-tidaknya saya juga masih bisa duduk diam dan mendengarkan teriakan kondektur yang menyebalkan.

*mengakhiri ketikan sambil menghela nafas panjang*

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Yesterday, a friend of mine called, she sound so worried. She was calling outside her office building. Why….? Her office is being bomb threatened by a phone call and guess where she works? Yes, it’s the same Kuningan. God! What’s wrong with this stupid creature people. Thank God that was just really a threat…. I felt a lil’ nauseous though…

Yes, it was still the same yesterday when I saw a troop of bomb squad driving through the street, sirens screamed everywhere…. God, no… where else? Don’t let it blow… don’t let it blow…. I thought… God! God! God! I just wanna go home safe and take a longgg good sleep and stop getting more nauseous for today.

Was it still the same yesterday when I heard mom & dad talking about a bomb threat on Gading Mall? Hell yes, it was still the same yesterday!!! Again, GOD! GOD! GOD! I had enough suspense for today…. don’t want it anymore, I just want to get some sleep… Now, everybody in house forbid each other for going to the mall… and me? I’m home but still so damn nauseous….

Hey wait, I think it was still the same yesterday, wasn’t it? When I tried to sleep but no matter how hard I tried my eyes were still open?? Wasn’t it? DARN! It was… gees, all I ever thought about that entire day was to have a long good sleep…. but did I get it? No… I get even more nauseous than ever…

But wait, wait, just wait!!! I think I remember clearly now that it was still, once again, IT WAS STILL the same yesterday, when I finally about to fall a sleep suddenly I saw a black thing ran across my room…. “MOM!!! THERE”S A RAT IN MY ROOM!!! MOOOOM!!” Do I have to say it again? Oh well… GOD! GOD! GOD! I hate rats, they’re disgusting and make me, once again *gees*, EVEN MORE nauseous than ever…. huhuhu… really, all I wanted is just to have a long good sleep….

So yesterday ended by me, sleeping with lights on, which a terrible thing to do but I have to just incase that stupid rat came crawling on my bed….. But no no no waittt, did I have a long good sleep yesterday? Just guess your self….

Now, it was not the same yesterday, nope it was not… It was this morning, today it is… but I’m still longing for that long good sleep so I thought after having a bad sleep last night, I will try to sleep awhile on the bus, JUST for a lil’ while… ohhhhh…. huhuhu… what kind of luck could I have?

It’s still the same today when I got this luck: This morning I sat next to a cute lovely young couple… arrrggghhh GOD! they are soooo damn noisy flirting each others up…. 😦 No… please… All I really want is just a long good sleep *I mean, a short sleep since it was on a bus* so please… O you lovely cute young couple…. JUST SHUT UP!!!! But they can’t read my mind, can they?

And today, when I thought my luck has finally came, I didn’t know what the cause but the couple started to fight and the woman was giving the man the silent treatment. Haaahh… finally, thx God! They kept their mouth shut!!! ahhh… sleep for a while… close now eyes… you’re safe… “KUNINGAN-MENTENG!!! GET READY FOR KUNINGAN-MENTENG!!!” NOOOOOO!!!!!! DAMN IT!!! My eyes were about to close… now the stupid driver assistant told me, my destination was near…. God! What happen to a long good sleep??? Is it a bad luck or karma?

Today is the beginning but so darn to say my luck is the ending… I still have to face the day with sore eyes, nauseous on my poor lil’ stomach and a longing for a long good sleep……

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I finally got the courage to pass through Rasuna Said, where the bomb exploded on Thursday. It was horrible as horrible it was… I was on the bus, I felt it was getting nearer and nearer… and I don’t know why but I felt my heart start to bump and my hands sweating. God, I’m afraid, even just to imagine how cruel it was… people lying on the road with blood all over their bodies… I was so terrified to keep thinking, what if it exploded again, what if it exploded again… God! I kept on praying along that road, and when I finally got there… I felt a certain kind of nauseous raging from my stomach to my head, I wanted to vomit, I just thought, God let me pass this road, let me pass… I cannot imagine the horror it brings, I cannot imagine the poor innocent bodies lying with blood all over their bodies, I cannot imagine the families grieve for they loved ones, the tears that has been shed all over the corner, and I cannot imagine a so called “human” has done it all without a bit of regret… Suddenly it all makes me so damn nauseous.

Why? What did they do wrong? What did we do wrong? Mr. Bomber please let me know… give me a slight answer that can go with my “human sense”. They have kids and family to be fed you know… I just don’t get it, why? What for? Why them? Have you ever thought about the people they are leaving? And how on earth could they have to go on without their loved ones? Have you ever thought about that???? And what if one of your beloved sons, with a beautiful wife and smart kids, was working in one of those building, would you still bomb it? Do you still have the heart to do so with your own son?? Ahhhh yes, STUPID me asking such question to a crippled creature born without a heart and healthy minds….

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